Friday, July 1, 2011

Tattoos Of Trees

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  • phillyag
    08-25 08:49 AM
    I think you may see some action soon ...( did you have LUD on 8/21 ??)


    No I did not...the date before it was of back in 2008.
    My PD is Jan-17-2006 at NSC.

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  • drona
    07-10 12:05 AM
    The immigration lawyers are talking about the flower campaign! Matthew Oh reported it on his website. So did Bender's Immigration Bulletin. Now this is the latest from Greg Siskind's blog!

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  • a_yaja
    06-26 04:12 PM
    I have to get the EMP LETTER latest by Friday June 29th from employer.
    For that i have to sign the agreement by June 28th Noon time.

    Today is June 26th and they are still working on agreement with their lawyers and would probably give me the final agreement tomorrow 27th noon time.

    Between 27th Noon and 28th Noon how can i consult a lawyer ??

    It all depends on how you want to lose the money.
    (a) Pay the employer for breaking the agreement
    (b) Do nothing and let employer send your case to collection agency. Ignore the collection agency and get black mark on your credit history (and lose money on higher mortgage/ auto loan rates, credit card interest, credit denial due to derogatory comments on credit report)
    (c) Do nothing and let employer take you to court. Then fight the case and
    (i) pay lawyer if you win
    (ii) pay lawyer and the employer if you lose

    At the end of the day, ask yourself how much it is worth to get a GC. If you think going through all this is not worth it, tell you employer to go take a walk and quit. You can start all over again with someone new.

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  • sanjay
    02-14 02:15 PM
    Really? Narendra Modi is great? And thats why he has been banned from visiting USA...WOW


    I did not know that visa to USA is also a certificate of good behavior. Does Modi needs a visa to USA to prove he is good or bad person or vice-versa ?

    Well, every one had choice to be opinionated and I posted what I think think of Narendra Modi. Why, are people so crazy, that they start posting ( BS ) comments with red marks on post.

    Not that I give damn about red color, but remarks and PM are unwanted.


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  • wellwisher02
    03-29 01:33 PM
    As proof of funds for landing, do we need to carry cashiers-checks etc or just a plain printout of bank-statement (INGDirect) is good enough?


    Just carry your bank statements. No need to carry cash or cashier's checks.
    Visit your bank's website, log into your bank savings/checking account and download your bank account statements.

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  • Rohan99
    09-17 04:13 PM
    Hello, Anyone on July 3rd R.William 9:00am NSC has not received receipt...please let me know.
    Now I am worried, I called today(17th sep) but no news on my record.

    PD:May 2006
    140: Aug 2006
    i-485 : @ NSC july 3rd waiting for receipt

    July 3rd R.William 9:00am NSC


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  • zoooom
    07-19 07:22 PM
    I am not sure what our target is but I have mentioned that I will monitor this thread for 2 days and depending on the number of people interested, we can set the limit and per person contribution. Lemme you if you have a better idea.
    BTW I pledge $100

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  • amitjoey
    05-23 07:27 PM
    I have sent to my state senators + 10 senators IV identified. I have also sent an email to the ND senator after he voiced his support for our cause on the senate floor today. I now plan to write to all 2008 presidential candidates. Most importantly I am going to write to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, as he has always been a champion of business and immigrant communities.

    great, good job caydee.


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  • raj3078
    10-24 04:34 PM
    As we get closer to election day it seems that Democrats will have control of the Congress. All the polls that have been and are being conducted show that the Democrats are leading the Republicans by double digits.

    If Democrats win the CIR will get through but the there will be a huge backlog as there arent enough people at USCIS to do the work, which in a way is retrogession. There will be relief for people with advanced degrees but on paper only.As it will still take years for their paperwork to get through USCIS, others will be in a worse situation as the waiting line would be huge.

    If Republicans win there will be no CIR as pointed out by others in the thread. However, SKIL might get through and that will help shorten the waiting period for people without advanced degrees.

    Based on my analysis (which might be completely wrong), I think we are better off with Republicans.

    At least with DEMS there is close to surety of passing one Immigration Bill even if it is CIR.... With REPs, we will never see any bill the light of day... Not sure which world you live in but check out numbersusa site and you will see how they are trying to decrease the immigration - legal or illegal alike.... So while Skill will go through Senate, it will be again blocked in house like it was in Dec2005........ So bottomline is that I would rather have some bill passed and have a hope in sight than no bill and never know if one will ever get GC

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  • dontcareanymore
    02-08 10:44 PM
    Is there any way we can work for our US employer from India on Indian salary? ......................... So we will just be living in India and working remotely for the employer as a consultant. We will be paying indian taxes as the consulting company will be indian. Any thoughts?

    Yes, that is called outsourcing model and there has been a lot of talk about it lately (last 5 to 7 years) about it :)


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  • gk_2000
    04-16 07:46 PM
    Well, in that thread they were about to "hire a top constitutional lawyer", but it ended in a whimper...

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  • vij
    06-15 11:28 AM
    Receipts only recieved by lawyer? Will benefeciary get any updates?
    I have the same question. who gets the receipts? - only lawyer or both lawyer and benefeciary or both lawyer and employer


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  • bijualex29
    09-11 11:50 AM
    I got my receipt No filed at NSC on 9th July and trasfered to WAC for receipting.

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  • gccovet
    02-09 01:37 PM
    Done with paypal.

    Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #2LU89675UY3759432)
    Date:Feb. 9, 2009
    Time:10:15:06 PST
    Amount sent:-$25.00 USD
    Fee:$0.00 USD
    Total:$25.00 USD

    Will do another in 15 days.

    Thank you Sanjay.

    Grand Total = $ 178.00


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  • waitingonlc
    06-17 08:22 PM
    Mailed to NSC on: May 31st.
    Received at NSC on: June 1st
    140 approved from : CSC
    Receipt Date : Not yet received.

    Is there any one who filed on June 1st not yet received the receipt?

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  • newuser
    09-14 07:46 AM
    I am in


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  • Libra
    08-26 01:42 PM
    Senators and congressman in MN are not very helpful I guess, first they told me wait one month and if I dont hear anything then they will send a request, after one month I called them up to find out whether they can help, that guy in senator office told me to wait 6 more months.

    It's not like my case is lost or in transit or not assigned to an officer, it is assigned to an officer on june 29th, officer at infopass said may be the officer who has my file have more old cases compare to others.

    Hmmm, and congressman or senator?
    Keep pursuing, you may find help from some direction.

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  • psk79
    09-05 08:49 AM
    Hey GUYS!! My checks got cashed today!!! All six of them!!! Don't have the receipts but got the SRCs from the back of the checks. Mine is NSC delivered Jul2, 1025AM J BARREETT..Finally very happy to get tehse. I hope everyone will ge tthem very soon...Thanks.

    :) My Checks got cashed today, I can see SRC receipt number on the back. More details in my signature.

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  • chanduv23
    07-09 09:12 PM
    Desi393, FinalGC, Ramba:

    You've mentioned a few times on this forum that on AC21, the job needs to be "permanent." That is misinformation, since the Yates memo you quote doesn't say that. Also, what do you mean by a "permanent" job? I haven't seen a job offer letter in the US saying that the job would be "permanent" (whatever that means). Also, what do you mean by "legitimate
    " employment? Could you quote a USCIS resource?

    Another misinformation I've seen on this forum is advising people to "file AC21." First, no USCIS resource mentions that. Second, you're are *not* required by USCIS to inform them of every job change if you're invoking AC21.

    sankap - I think these folks are asking you to be cautious. AC21 RFEs request if the prospects of employment.
    the "permanant" job means "the job is always there" as per projection.

    even if your employer has consulting business - as long as you are employed with this employer under w2 "yours" is a "permanant job" at that time projected - things MAY change later.

    The same works with self - employment. As long as your self employed as drawing w2 salary and doing the same duties - it is permanant employment.

    So lets not get confused here. If you project that your current job is ONLY temporary in nature then that does not qualify as a permanant job.

    Being self employed and doing consulting work means you r constantly doing projects under your own corp which is perm job.

    Lets discuss this in detail - i will get back to this as my kid is not allowing me to type now

    09-20 09:07 AM
    please check my signature...

    07-10 10:00 AM
    Can you please put this as text/html and feed to search spiders on google etc?

    This is our official response to this

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