Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bad Quotes About Men

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  • bkarnik
    05-05 11:13 AM
    In continuation of the post from Nenneo, I had the chance to see Newt Gingrich, ex-speaker of the house and who is currently testing the waters for a possible 2008 Pres. nomination from the GOP. His response, I think, speaks volumes about the type of people the GOP would like to see here.

    He indicated that he is totally against illegal immigration and pro legal immigration. But, when it came to students who were pursuing higher education in the US, according to Newt, "is a no-brainer, we get them here, we train and teach them, it does not make sense to let them go. These students should be given a visa as soon as they find a job, as long as they have not committed any felony and especially since the students have been in the US for 2+years it is sufficient time to get to know them and their backgrounds and for them to be assimilated in the US way of life."

    My 2-cents to clarify the thinking behind giving more preference to US educated students vs non-US educated ones. This coming from a senior GOP leader.

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  • tikka
    05-23 11:26 AM
    I emailed and used the "contact us" form. It asked me if I wanted a reponse and I clicked - yes.
    Have not heard back from them. Has one else?

    thank you

    My bad. They sent a note saying they will respond personally only if I am from their state.

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  • gccovet
    02-10 02:53 PM
    Hi GCCovet,

    As promised, I am contributing another $25.00 as $1000.00 has crossed.

    I will again donate another $25 when we cross $2000.00


    Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #3LK7417540480844L)
    Total:$25.00 USD
    Date:Feb. 10, 2009
    Time:11:23:38 PST
    Subject:Immigration Voice
    Method: PayPal

    Thank you Sanjay!!!

    With Sanjay's additional contribution as promised, we are now at $1169.00

    Thank you to all who have contributed so far... and a request to those who have not contributed yet, to please contribute.

    Thank you all.


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  • dtekkedil
    07-10 05:33 PM
    Now that we have generated interest and made more people aware of IV. The next thing is to do is to gather support for rallies.

    For the next few days we need to spread the word about this campaign and get more people to join us. Spread the word around about the San Jose rally!

    We have to make sure that this flower drive is especially talked about in and around San Jose.


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  • zephyrr
    12-16 09:02 PM
    i'm glad someone brought this up, i'm in the same boat, came in 1998, applied in jul 2003 eb2.

    i think it is important to get at the bottom of what is making one depressed, is it the gc necessarily, or is it not being able to do what you want to do? if it is the process itself, well - joining IV or talking to people and fighting for a cause is the way to go.

    if it is not the process itself, then it is another story.
    in my case, the gc process really started affecting me and became a topic of daily discussion in the family in the past 2 yrs, after i finished my mba from a top 5 school, and was unable to switch jobs because it meant starting tge process all over again. i could care less about a gc if i could do jobs that i wanted to. in your case, it might be something else, maybe career related or otherwise.

    my stand is now simple, after 180 days are over in dec, i'm going to do what i want to do i.e switch jobs etc, i've applied to canada as a backup, something goes wrong, i'll leave the usa. i'm not willing to put any more of my life in a 'prison' than i already have.

    you may have a different stand, but as long as you have one, and understand that the gc is nowhere as important as your mental health and well-being, you will be fine.

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  • caeb2rir
    08-02 08:23 PM
    My 140 was approved at TSC, sent 485 to Nebraska on June 22, they received on June 25. I called to check status yesterday, the lady said to wait. On asking if case will be transferred to TSC and if TSC will generate receipts, she said she doesn't know, but it may take at least 2-3 weeks to process receipts at Nebraska.
    I just called national customer service center for my 485 receipts and the lady told that nebraska filers should still wait for 30 more days before they call for receipt updates...she said she was answering the same question since this morning and mentioned that it could still take atleast 30 days for nebraska center to register the applications...

    when I asked her if she knew whether my case has been transferred to TSC already (since my 140 got approved from TSC), she said she wouldn't know that answer...her bottom line was to wait...

    what a mess!!!!!

    if any one has called the customer service today regarding the receipts, I would appreciate if you could please post the responses here.


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  • hebron
    07-08 08:46 PM
    If that is so, no one who is on H1-b can sue their employer for exploiting them. BTW, I personally know people who have successfully sued their employer (US company) for not paying the salary they agreed.

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  • chanduv23
    02-17 10:38 AM
    I try to get 2 days off from work but could not get it because of work related travel in same week. Donated 100 USD and will do more later.. GO IV GO.

    Payment Receipt
    Receipt ID


    We'll send a confirmation email to This transaction will appear on your statement as IMMIGRATION.

    Paid to
    Immigration Voice
    Shipped to
    Your shopping cart
    Description Price Quantity Amount
    Donation to Support Immigration Voice (User: gc_on_demand)
    $100.00 1 $100.00
    Item total $100.00
    Total $100.00 USD

    Please urge fellow members in the tri state chapter to contribute. Also please request fellow tri state members to take active role in the efforts.


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  • eb3_nepa
    05-03 05:01 PM
    Only if PD is current!!!

    If u can only file for AOS if PD is current then how does it work?

    I thought that if u had an advanced degree u were exempt from the quota right? So then cant u just apply?

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  • crazyghoda
    06-26 11:05 AM
    The trick is to say that you have unrestricted work authorization, i.e., can work for any employer without needing additional sponsorship. Stating that you have an EAD may be confusing to some and they may just take the easy way out by not pursuing further, or, wilfully rejecting to avoid any kind of complications later on that could jeopardize the specific project by suddennly being unable to work.

    When I looked for jobs I have seen employers or reqruiters asking what is my status and if I say I have EAD some of them will say "OK, no problem" but will not get back because they have instruction from hiring managers to hire only GC or USC. The hiring manager may not be well informed enough or may not want to deal with things with USCIS (perception, because all USCIS wants is a verification letter which is common and other agencies like Banks, DMVs etc.. may also request the same)

    I have noticed that a lot of people are not comfortable about dealing with USCIS - it could be a stigma.


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  • vsoni
    12-03 02:20 PM
    Is there any way I can help you?
    If yes Please PM me

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  • morchu
    05-09 04:12 PM
    Well... you can do nothing to bring McCain back. So there is no point in blaming Obama now.
    The right thinking process should be how we can educate Obama administration, and bring him to your favor.


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  • tonyHK12
    02-17 04:57 PM
    thanks Madhuri, updating total...

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  • chantu
    08-26 06:41 PM
    My wife got EAD approved on 16th Aug and I got my approved today. I do not know why 10 days of delay.

    One thing I noticed is within last week or so, lot of people are receiving EADs and I485 processing is slowed down. I think now they are concentrating on EADs and come sept they will again jump to 485s. Just a guess!


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  • GreenCard4US
    07-21 06:06 PM
    We EB3 guys have to work together. In a couple of year you will not find a single EB2 guy here as they will have their GC's. I hope some senior member can give some guidance on how we should proceed to take up our cause.

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  • dilbert_cal
    06-07 11:04 AM
    My attorney said the checks should be payable to USCIS not DHS. The PD is always ur LC filed date. Receipt date is when the application is received and notice date is when they assing a LIN/wac number and take ur money.

    If you download the 485 form from the following url and go to page six, it states

    "The check or money order should be made payable to theDepartment of Homeland Security"

    I believe previously it used to be USCIS. Now what I dont know is if they will accept checks made for USCIS or not.

    The url is


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  • gcsomeday
    06-26 06:13 PM
    record conversatios with these jack ass employers. It is surprising how much crap and illegal things they tell and do during negotiations. Not sure about the legality, would not harm if you dont use it. We keep seeing news on people getting screwed and then when outed the victim is not usually screwed by the system again.

    Also, I wonder if any employment contract not tied to any reasonable time estimate( like 485 - who knows when we will get it) will hold.Its akin to slavery.

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  • avi_ny
    08-01 01:09 PM
    Wait till next week-end. My 140 mailed to NSC on 11th April (why?? not sure) and received RN from texas. ND was dated 19th April. RD was 13th April.

    Now # of applications are more so it can take more time but your RD will be maintained.

    Hope this helps...

    My i-140 no. starts with SRC 06, is this also from Texas?

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  • aroranuj
    02-26 08:50 PM
    Just made a contribution of $51 to OUR cause. Unique Transaction ID #7EJ0507917662511X

    Guys, can we please keep this thread for DONATIONS ONLY...


    11-17 10:49 PM

    09-26 02:51 PM
    Thanks! i called them today and they asked me to wait for 90 days. My lawyer says tehy r getting receipt notices in that date range..maybe ours will be soon.


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