Sunday, July 3, 2011

Black Ops Aug Acog

images Black Ops: L96 w/ ACOG (SUSAT Black Ops Aug Acog. of Duty Black Ops Gameplay
  • of Duty Black Ops Gameplay

  • lkrastogi
    07-07 10:12 PM
    I think we should have a poll for DC rally and it should be on IV home page so that every visitor know about it and poll.

    wallpaper of Duty Black Ops Gameplay Black Ops Aug Acog. ACOG AUG ACOG

  • khukubindu
    05-05 05:13 PM
    I don't know is it the right place to post this. What will be the EB-3 ROW in the coming June Visa Bulletin. I have asked my attorney and got the following response:

    Q: I am in the Rest of the world chargeability area. My category is EB-3. My priority date is July 27, 2006. Do you think that my priority date will be current in the coming June 2008 visa bulletin. The May 2008 bulletin's cutoff date in my category and chargebility is March 1, 2006.

    A: Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing if your priority date will be become current next month. Sometimes the priority dates stay the same for many months, or become unavailable completely like last summer. At times, the dates may jump many months or even years. We can not speculate when your date will become current, as it is truly unpredictable

    Is there any gurus who can give me an idea ?

    Black Ops Aug Acog. Black Ops Ak47 Dual Mags
  • Black Ops Ak47 Dual Mags

  • apnair2002
    05-06 09:35 AM,0,3245994.story?coll=bal-nationworld-headlines

    2011 ACOG AUG ACOG Black Ops Aug Acog. All weapons scoped with ACOG
  • All weapons scoped with ACOG

  • saketkapur
    08-18 01:17 PM
    Hi Guys
    My date is not current but I understand the frustration here. However I beleive USCIS is under severe pressure to reduce the backlogs and not waste any numbers this they are trying to exhaust them as and when they that scenaio I guess lower hanging fruits are getting picked.

    But on the bright side as I see it as more and more people get their GCs its a smaller line and the officers should be able to get to everyone's file in due course.

    I completely believe the system should be FIFO but then don't you think that will be too logical for the USCIS......

    Hopefully if they are able to get a lot of people out of the way they should go back to normal processing from October when new numbers are available and the pressure is somewhat less.....

    Again above is my theory. I hope everyone gets their green cards soon and the line keeps moving.



    Black Ops Aug Acog. Confirmed Black Ops Weapons
  • Confirmed Black Ops Weapons

  • guyfromsg
    07-11 07:58 PM
    I posted this message in other thread. I think this is the right place.

    I uploaded in Youtube and put some description about the protest. If you feel it's not good I'm open for better suggestions. The still image is selected randomly I changed it, it may take up to 6 hours.

    Black Ops Aug Acog. Aug 14, 03:37 PM
  • Aug 14, 03:37 PM

  • gc_peshwa
    02-16 08:54 PM
    Donated $100 for this event apart from my recurring monthly donations. Plan to spread the word about the advocacy with my colleagues tomorrow.

    Go IV!


    Black Ops Aug Acog. current, 18:58, August 1, 2010
  • current, 18:58, August 1, 2010

  • sledge_hammer
    02-12 12:33 PM
    I never claimed I'm going to refrain from going ballistic with words when insults are hurled at me! Maintaining high moral standards and bad language usage doesn't always have to be mutually exclusive. Your logic is waaaayyyyyy flawed if you think they are, my friend!

    Coming to your point about F1 status, I can speak for myself that I did come to the US with the intention of going back. I was offered a job while I was still in school and I changed my mind only then. My statement earlier is not conveying my intentions clearly.

    It is also true that if USCIS needed to enforce that students are requried to go back to their home country after school, then they should not issue a COS with the H-1B approval, forcing the student to re-enter.

    Many of your posts are sensible but you use language which does not befit your self-imposed imaginary high standards. Anyways, the quoted statement itself shows moral contradictions and you have misrepresented your intentions when you went to the consulate. F1 is a non-immigrant visa with the underlying implication that you return to your home country. Please get off your high horse.

    2010 Black Ops Ak47 Dual Mags Black Ops Aug Acog. Black Ops: L96 w/ ACOG (SUSAT
  • Black Ops: L96 w/ ACOG (SUSAT

  • chmur
    07-27 06:28 PM
    Chmur; I appreciate your post. For the sake of a discussion could you share what is the temporary relief that you are seeking. I am curious to know the details. Is it

    1. Revert back to the vertical spillover rule. OR
    2. Revert back to vertical spillover rule and after EB3-ROW becomes current split the visas equally between EB2-I and EB3-I OR
    3. Keep the horizontal spill over in place but any spill over from EB2 ROW should go equally to EB2-Retro and EB3 (ROW and Retro) category.

    Let me offer my answers to the questions above:
    1. In this case EB3-I is no better off as EB3ROW and EB2-I has to become current before any excess visas can go to EB3-I.
    2. Completely negates the categorization as laid out by law after the initial handout is done equally. Is a hybrid approach where the vertical rule would be enforced so long as EB2 and EB3 (both ROW) are current. But after that a selective interpretation of the vertical rule is sought where EB2-I and EB3-I share it equally. The basis of this selective interpretation appears to be length of wait - nowhere does the INA state that length of wait can be used as a basis for negating categorization of EB category.
    3. Is against the law - read my earlier post. Again selectively uses horizontal spill over till EB2 ROW demand is satisfied and then use vertical spill over to share visas between EB2-Retro and EB3 category.

    I completely respect your right to lobby for change. However I am a little baffled as to how this change can be sought without changing law. Even if the change is approved, I see a strong possibility of a counter EB2 movement to nullify this change. I would appreciate any details from you anybody else on this. Cheers

    None ....

    Eb3-I has to explain it's position and request DOS to suggest an alternative method to mitigate the starving under the given laws.

    As suggested earlier which requires change in law and which does not is not clear to any of us. DOS itself has had contradictory implementations over the years.

    I am baffled that you think anyone of us can actually dictate DOS what to do.


    Black Ops Aug Acog. with AUG-HBARS with ACOG
  • with AUG-HBARS with ACOG

  • mrdelhiite
    09-14 10:14 AM
    July 3rd, 11:14AM signed by F Heinauer @ NSC
    Good luck to everyone.

    was it texas or NSC ?

    hair All weapons scoped with ACOG Black Ops Aug Acog. cod lack ops prestige edition
  • cod lack ops prestige edition

  • tonyHK12
    02-14 08:42 AM
    thanks cleopatra, ajay and silveroaks for your contribution.

    yes, we are way behind on contributions.

    Amount raised = $2600.00
    Contributions needed = $47,400.00


    Black Ops Aug Acog. MW2 Intervention+Hb+ACOG
  • MW2 Intervention+Hb+ACOG

  • sina
    11-18 02:53 PM
    Sent the email and received email from John Kerry. I donated $100 this afternoon and still do not have access to the Donor Forum? Is there anything more to get access?

    hot Confirmed Black Ops Weapons Black Ops Aug Acog. another gun with an acog on
  • another gun with an acog on

  • lasvegas
    02-05 02:23 PM
    Gurus, anybody did canada landing after applying I-485 during July2nd? What was the experience like? Can immigration officers on both sides USA, Canada consider this conflicting on the grouds of " INTENT " ?


    house PS£ Black Ops DLC Date Black Ops Aug Acog. The AUG was designed as an
  • The AUG was designed as an

  • willwin
    07-28 11:31 AM
    I disagree.
    Why is it not easy to change from EB3 to EB2?
    We have to decide what is important in life for us. Current job/salary/promotion/ status quo or Geeencard?
    If someone wants EB2, they can change their job and apply again. The law does not prohibit that. So stop blaming unfair laws.

    So the only reason why a lot of us are in EB3 is becasue we have chosen to stay with the current employer who pays us well and do not want to take the risk of a new employer. So it is our choice and not injustice. The system allows us options. We cannot want a cake and eat it too. I am also trying to find a new employer to change my job and file in EB2. Everyone is free to do that.

    And stop claiming that you are fit for EB2 but are stuck in EB3. If you are fit for EB2 then why don't you apply in EB2? If you have a masters degree you can find a new job with EB2 that needs a masters degree. Anyone who does not have masters degree then get work experience and change your job to file in EB2. Ultimately we have to decide what we want.

    yes, technically that is possible. But practically it may not be possible for the same reasons you said.

    And to me they are valid. So you are asking some one in EB3 2002 to quit his current job and apply for EB2 because the system is inefficient and cannot grant him GC in 7 years and if tomorrow he does not get under EB2 as well, you will advocate him to file under EB1??

    You are asking to adjust my body size to fit a dress instead of altering the dress itself. Just because the system provides 100 loopholes/opportunities/possibilities, does not mean one has to explore everything to get justice from the system. As I said, not EVERYONE can do that. Nevertheless, it is easy to give advise.

    tattoo Aug 14, 03:37 PM Black Ops Aug Acog. Duty: Black Ops/Archive 13
  • Duty: Black Ops/Archive 13

  • praveenat11
    01-07 11:18 AM
    Hi guys,
    i got my FP notice on Jan 10 in NJ at 1.00pm.At which time do i need to go for FP in Arizona (M.S.T).


    pictures current, 18:58, August 1, 2010 Black Ops Aug Acog. AUG – Fully Automatic Austrian
  • AUG – Fully Automatic Austrian

  • vjkypally
    07-20 09:37 AM
    Please keep this thread on the top

    dresses another gun with an acog on Black Ops Aug Acog. Gold uzi w/Acog Bando Stopping power steady aim 25-5.
  • Gold uzi w/Acog Bando Stopping power steady aim 25-5.

  • Googler
    06-08 04:30 PM
    How are you guys seeing these check images? Did you pay for this out of your own pocket?


    makeup with AUG-HBARS with ACOG Black Ops Aug Acog. PS£ Black Ops DLC Date
  • PS£ Black Ops DLC Date

  • txh1b
    09-14 12:26 PM
    Sorry Outta Luck

    girlfriend Duty: Black Ops/Archive 13 Black Ops Aug Acog. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • delax
    07-27 12:33 AM
    That is your take ....or they could end up distributing the spill over Visas equally among all EB categories because the original quota is equally distributed too. This benefits both EB3 and EB2.

    Please do not try to pass on your opinions as facts ...they are not.

    It is true that the original number is broken up equally among all categories but the INA clearly states that if the demand within a category is not sufficient to use up all the visas in that category then the excess should be made available without any regard to country limit in that category. Here's a fact from the July bulletin - not an opinion:

    There have been questions raised regarding the way numbers have been provided to the China and India in the Employment Second preference categories beginning in April. Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act states that if total demand for visas in an Employment preference category is insufficient to use all available visa numbers in that category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limit. (For example: If the second preference annual limit were 40,000, number use by �All Other Countries� were estimated to be only 25,000, and the China/India combined number use based on their per-country limits were 6,000, then there would be 9,000 numbers unused. Those 9,000 numbers could then be made available to China and India applicants without regard to their per-country limits.)

    I dont buy the argument that length of wait (as implied in the letter) should determine eligibility for approval disregarding the clear categorization established by law AFTER the initial handout is made on an equal basis. I have always maintained that any logic used to justify shifting visas between EB2 and EB3 purely based on the length of wait can also easily be used between EB2 and EB1. The fact that EB1 has never retrogressed does not matter. Unfortunately LAW is an absolute entity - there is no compassionate interpretation in civil and common law.

    If a EB3-2002 is approved before EB2-2004 purely based on length of wait and ignoring the categorization after the initial handout then the same logic or rationale can be used to approve EB2-2004 before EB1-2007 by 'holding back' the visa from the EB1 candidate and giving it to EB2.

    I dont think either of us is interested in going down the path of EB2 versus EB3 but to the extent this letter implies/attempts to do that, it is detrimental to the functioning of this group. Cheers

    hairstyles MW2 Intervention+Hb+ACOG Black Ops Aug Acog. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • stemcell
    02-01 10:25 AM
    I have been thinking in similar lines for quite sometime now. I have decided to wait till September 2012 to see if dates reach my PD which is October 2007.
    If not i am strongly looking at New Zealand too...At least for me i want to work/live in a western country as locums and relax in India when i am off...I dont see myself working in India full time, at least not at this point.
    This may not work for most folks but being in Health Care, i have this option.

    I wish you the very best !

    11-17 04:29 PM

    05-05 10:00 AM
    Today I spoke to a Representative who deals with immigration issue at Sen Mike Dewine's (R-OH) office. I spoke to him for 15 minutes to understand what he and his senator think about this CIR.

    Here is he and his senator feels about this bill. It is difficult for him to say that when CIR bill will be introduced in senate floor . It depend on Majority and Minority leaders to decide. Majority leader told to the media that he will introduce before the end of the may, he is mostly consistent, but there are several bills where he has committed a timeline and till today it is not on the floor.
    However he told that once CIR pass, legal immigration is already taken care of, but if it does not passes there are bills like SKIL which will be put before the floor. But CIR has to fail or pass before you see this SKILL bill on the floor.

    Great to hear you spoke to the senator and the feedback you got from him is very engouraging.

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