Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • sss9i
    07-20 10:52 AM
    Bump up

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  • feedfront
    08-27 12:40 PM
    The filing date on SR is manually entered by the person opening the SR. It has got nothing to do with your real filing date. All that matters on the SR is your A#.

    I saw in reply letter, it's written A# not available. Looks like that lady did not send A# in SR. Anyway, I've contacted senator for help :cool:

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  • pkv
    01-22 08:59 PM
    I've to complete my landing in next 2 weeks before my visa expires.
    I've to come back immediately and I need an Alerta address while entering Canada where CIC would send my PR card. I tried hard but couldn't find anyone known in Alberta.

    Can someone help me here? Please let me know if you know someone who lives in Alberta and can courier my PR card to me in USA after receiving it.

    Would really really appreciate any help on this.


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  • tabletpc
    09-15 05:11 PM
    In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress. - James Adams...

    Get back guys. Don't waste your time on GC discussion. D what you love most, things will eventually fall in place.


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  • sam2006
    08-24 07:11 PM
    July 3rd R.Williams 7.44 AM NSC
    140 Approved TSC
    LUD 07-28
    No CC
    NO RN

    my guess: Look at TSC Processing dates

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  • wizkid732
    08-23 12:02 PM
    Hi Guys got a senotors response. Did anyone get a response like this. What does this mean? Appreciate your feedback..

    �This case is currently in an extended security review area. I contacted this area and the Officer advised that it cannot be released at this time. The Service is aware that there is a visa available, however, since it is still being reviewed for security issues it cannot be released at this time.�


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  • SunnySurya
    08-18 01:41 PM
    Any volunteer for the letter. We will need to move fast ! God knows what Oct bulletin has in store for us.

    My biggest worry is that the bulletin may show retrogressed dates and the dates will stay there as it is till last quarter when visa flow will take place.

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  • simple1
    05-02 12:56 PM

    Sent email to IV core emails listed in


    I know that IV core members are busy with their own jobs and helping with IV but I think this is an important discussion because it can be done with an administrative fix. If primary applicants are allotted GC's from EB 1,2 and 3 and dependents from FB2A it saves a lot of visa numbers. Somebody pls contact IV core directly and get them involved in this discussion.

    This concept is not unique and is being done for age out children before CSPA (Child status protection act) and for children of US citizens and permanent residents who get married before getting GC.



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  • abracadabra102
    07-28 11:31 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    1) You are "a highly educated (for those that care) Executive that went to Top Private Universities in the US"
    2) You built a billion dollar corporation
    3) You are threatening to have all EB2 applications audited if your point of view is not accepted by someone

    You need help. Go see a shrink.

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  • googlegc
    08-25 07:48 PM
    California Service Center.
    GooglgeGC, which is ur processing center?


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  • manish1905
    02-25 07:22 PM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 1KJ77263D2760803K.
    Just contributed another $50 feeling better.

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  • Pallavi79
    01-30 07:48 PM
    <Quote>What�s your problem man? You are mad because your wife did not get H1B/Job? What do you say to a American citizen who is saying that you took his job? It�s all part of the game</Quote>
    Completely agree with you.

    <Quote>Funny... Sathweb took his post back, which even he does not agree with anymore and you now agree with it.. </Quote>
    Funny .... Lawyers, Senators, USCIS Employees accept that, current immigration is broken. The current immigration does not make sense. But we want make some meaning out of it.


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  • dtekkedil
    07-03 01:05 PM
    should we also try another vendor just to diversify the risk of this one deciding not to deliver. I will do some research to see which others a re available.

    Any vendor and any flowers are fine! As long as the delivery date, address and the message are the same -

    July 10th delivery

    Addressed to:
    Emilio T. Gonzalez
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529

    Phone number: 202-307-1565

    "Sympathy" theme with the message - "All the best for future Employment Based visa estimates"

    If our members can post links to other vendors and flowers it will be great! Less work for others!

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  • CADude
    03-25 05:50 PM
    You are an optimistic guy. keep it up. I used to be same once upon a time. Not Any More... :D
    EB3 India, PD: July 2001
    Per IO, case not assigned to AO. Will take approx 90 days to assign to AO.

    You will get it this Calendar Year. Trust me.


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  • pbuckeye
    02-15 09:35 AM
    Great initiative IV. Finally signed up for monthly contributions. If that doesn't count towards the event fund, will make a one time contribution as well.

    Here is the paypal info for the monthly subscription:

    Donation to Support Immigration Voice (User: pbuckeye)
    Unique Transaction ID # 8TU01799C9450725Y
    Subscription # S-55296973D5390092N

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  • HelloGC07
    08-03 03:55 PM
    I called IO today, still no information in system about my I-485 application that I filed June 28. What is funny is they can find my H1 extension that I filed on July 22 ??!!

    I asked if my case will be transfered to Texas as my I-140 is approved from Texas, answer: Yes it will transferred to Texas IF they need to. So it is not a must. we will see..


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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 01:47 PM
    This is a neat idea to draw worthwhile attention which at the same time won't cause any hatred. I'm sure most of us would like to act upon this.

    Can one of core members talk to a florist and workout some kind of arrangement where if we call them and give a code and payment they would process the order with a pre-set message and delivery address. I'm sure we will have a large participation if we make the process simple for the mass.

    Also make this a front page message.

    Core members cannot "officially" endorse this. So they will not. If we want to do this then we are doing this on our own!

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  • letstalklc
    07-20 11:09 AM

    If GCs were sold in stores I would buy you and your family a bunch of them.
    You are in the EB3 category, do you ever wonder why somebody who is more educated than you or me, makes more money? Can we say, hey you I was born in 1890 I should make more money, it does not fly, EB3 is not a reflection on your skills but more the job you hold.

    The question you should ask is why have EB1, 2, 3, etc?

    Why do you not include the family based categories, isn't family first, why not the EB spill over to to FB first then whatever trickles down comes to EB, is not this fair? I am sure there are a lot in the FB queue who have waited for longer than you. Now dont tell you you are better than FB because you are highly skilled, pay taxes, etc.

    You signed up for this knowing what was in store.
    You think writing a letter or starting up a thread is going to help?

    I just wonder, is IV some kind of therapy? something like weightwatchers,
    maybe we should call ourselves GCWatchers, for frustrated GC folks from India.

    Tell me this, are your bosses fools to sponsor you in EB3, do they not know it will take years? No they are not, ask yourself why?

    India is shining, not a bad proposition at all.

    Well said my friend.....

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  • psaxena
    02-09 10:13 AM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 32R78275M69540623.
    donated $50

    I will be in India around that time so cannot attend the campaign in person.

    All the best to IV .. hope we get the justice ASAP.

    01-30 03:58 PM
    What�s your problem man? You are mad because your wife did not get H1B/Job? What do you say to a American citizen who is saying that you took his job? It�s all part of the game. Everyone is trying to improve their life.

    How can you tell your wife is better? Your wife is doing exactly the same, converting from H4 to H1B. Did she have job offer when she came to USA? You must have come through some consulting company, what kind of offer letter you had when you came to US?

    Everyone is playing by the rules, otherwise we would not have been here. dont think you are the only one playing by the rules.
    How can you tell he/she is representing false?

    People like you are the ones who are dividing the community.

    I Completely agree with your reply. First, when I read the comment of that guy, I couldnt accept at all.

    You have given a nice and neat reply.

    08-30 02:52 PM
    My wife and i got emails from USCIS and we checked our status online and it is now CPO. The approval is based on my wife's applicatiion ( EB2 India, Dec 2005). I had two applications one as her dependent and another my own that is EB3 I, Jan 2004.

    Great news. Congratulations

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