Saturday, July 2, 2011

Black And White Shih Tzu

images Black and White Shih Tzu Black And White Shih Tzu. Media in category quot;Shih Tzu
  • Media in category quot;Shih Tzu

  • asdcrajnet
    02-01 09:03 AM
    I thought of going back after getting citizenship, but that would be another 8-9 years at the least. I would miss the big ride in India. When I went there(Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu) 3 years ago, I did not like it that much. But I see a big change in the last 3 years. Infrastructure is improving. Few of my friends have already gone back and are pretty happy over there.

    wallpaper Media in category quot;Shih Tzu Black And White Shih Tzu. Diamond Moon Shih Tzu
  • Diamond Moon Shih Tzu

  • hsingh82
    02-24 01:29 PM
    Sent a check of $50. I myself have moved away from GC and going E-2 visa route based on my wife's canadian citizenship.

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  • lack white shih tzu dog

  • rc0878
    09-20 09:07 AM
    please check my signature...

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  • Shih Tzu Sport Cut Black

  • subdhar
    08-30 12:07 PM
    Apporval from TSC or NSC??


    Black And White Shih Tzu. Black and White Shih Tzu puppy
  • Black and White Shih Tzu puppy

  • kondur_007
    07-28 02:08 PM
    As I mentioned in my previous post in this thread, I am now posting information that explains why this "horizontal" spill occurred and no amount of campaign will reverse it (other than change in law).

    If this is repetition of what has already been discussed elsewhere on the site, I apologize.

    First, let me point out when and how the interpretation changed:

    Following is from site (Ron Gotcher):

    �Last week, I wrote to Charles Oppenheim of the State Department, asking several specific questions. This morning, I had a long talk with him, when he very graciously called to respond to the questions I e-mailed him earlier. In the course of our discussion, I learned a great deal about the present backlog situation and what is being done about it. First, let me deal with the questions I had asked.

    Mr. Oppenheim explained that while the Visa Office initially took the view that visa numbers had to fall down into employment third preference before the could fall across to the individual country quotas, but after further review, additional legislation, and consultation with Congress, they concluded that they have to allocate the fall across within individual preference petitions first.�

    Direct link to above post:

    Some more information from Ron Gotcher�s site can be found at following link

    Now, let�s look at the actual law on this (above is only the interpretation from Mr Oppenheim, following is the actual text of the law: (my comment is in italics)

    8 CFR Sec 202(a)


    (A) EMPLOYMENT-BASED IMMIGRANTS NOT SUBJECT TO PER COUNTRY LIMITATION IF ADDITIONAL VISAS AVAILABLE- If the total number of visas available under paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of section 203(b) for a calendar quarter exceeds the number of qualified immigrants who may otherwise be issued such visas, the visas made available under that paragraph (read as under that EB category: if it is EB1, it goes to EB1 and if it is EB2 it goes to EB2) shall be issued without regard to the numerical limitation under paragraph (2) of this subsection during the remainder of the calendar quarter.

    Read the entire Sec 202 (a) here: dbe

    A glimpse of Sec 203(b) is:

    b) Preference Allocation for Employment-Based Immigrants. - Aliens subject to the worldwide level specified in section 201(d) for employment-based immigrants in a fiscal year shall be allotted visas as follows:

    (1) Priority workers. - Visas shall first be made available in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (4) and (5), to qualified immigrants who are aliens described in any of the following subparagraphs (A) through (C): �.

    Please read the entire section 203(b) here: dbe

    So, in nutshell:

    1. The law is actually clear on this.
    2. Now Mr. Oppenheim has interpreted it correctly as well.
    3. It don�t think we can convince anyone to change the interpretation (because interpretation appears to be correct. If it was interpreted differently in past, then that was a mistake).
    4. The only way to deal with it is to CHANGE THE LAW.
    5. More importantly, push for bills to increase overall numbers (recapture, STEM exemption) etc�
    6. The big picture: All these is likely to look completely different once CIR comes in, and we need to include our agenda in CIR that would benefit every category for several years to come (not just my GC or your GC).

    Black And White Shih Tzu. lack and white Shih Tzu
  • lack and white Shih Tzu

  • GCStatus
    09-14 04:19 AM
    No single person can do this alone. A big group like IV should / must sue USCIS.

    Welcome aboard Friend - We certainly are


    Black And White Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu in its
  • The Shih Tzu in its

  • Macaca
    12-10 11:23 AM
    Why don't you tell other proud americans to not

    1. admit us to your educational systems,

    2. give us jobs, and

    3. sponsor our green cards.

    Why don't posters on this forum move back to their home country and concentrate on making their home country great instead of slamming into someone else's country and just living off the wealth others have created?

    The bottom line is that a SKIL act is not needed. Hundreds of thousands of American programmers have lost their job to the third world, both in outsourcing and insourcing of third world programmers who work for cheaper wages. There is absolutely no need for more foreigners here and no need for more green cards. Temporary workers are just that - temporary. If you are on a temporary visa, work your time, make some money for your family and head home when your time is up. Don't cry that we don't provide enough green cards when you knew what kind of visa you were on.

    2010 lack white shih tzu dog Black And White Shih Tzu. Black and White Shih Tzu
  • Black and White Shih Tzu

  • saimrathi
    07-10 02:42 PM
    I wish there was a link to the coverage..

    Looks like CNN - India covered the our flower campaign story on TV!

    Just got an SMS from India!


    Black And White Shih Tzu. Black And White Shih Tzu Pictures. lack and white shih tzu
  • Black And White Shih Tzu Pictures. lack and white shih tzu

  • Kushal
    07-07 10:32 PM
    Just came back, here is my report:

    - There were five Chinese and seven Indian people at the march. It was small fun group.
    - The group was small but the outcome as you will note from my report below was productive
    - Fighnow, who is the Chinese member of had initiated this 7th July march. Due to short notice we couldn't publicize this event but still it was good to see a bunch of people show up.
    - Fightnow and his friends were fully prepared with big banners and all, with appropriate slogans
    - In the beginning there was some police presence but they left an hour later, I guess because of a small group
    - We carried our placards and banners on the sidewalk and got lot of "honk" support from people driving by.
    - Luckily a Chinese TV station happened to be in the area and interviewed many of us. The station is called KCSN 30, if I remember correctly and this news story will air on Monday evening in Bay area. I will post details about this after hearing from fightnow.
    - The parking is free on weekends.
    What we need to do is:
    - Organize a bigger march on 14th July
    - Organize a similar event in DC if possible to get more mileage
    - Prepare some banners and placards etc.
    - Bring water, it was warm
    - Have fun
    Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions
    Congratulation for the success today..
    Will the next SJ rally be on 14th or 21st Jul?
    I live at Walnut Creek, but currently out of town. 21st would be favorable for me, but obviously if you already have people responding for 14th then go ahead by all means..

    hair Shih Tzu Sport Cut Black Black And White Shih Tzu. lack and white shih tzu
  • lack and white shih tzu

  • wait4ever
    08-14 05:15 PM
    Congrats to all who are PRs now!

    After CPO e-mail, card arrives within 10 days.

    Chain of events are not consistent but usually at 1or 2 days interval, approval and welcome e-mails are seen as hard LUDs.

    I-797 notice of approval is enough to go to district office and have I-551 stamp in passport. This is the proof of GC.

    Enjoy, do not worry and relax!

    Remember your family, friends and IV.

    Please be generous in contributing (my continued participation, advisement and $$$$.....).

    Recurring contribution, small is beautiful and kaizen would help us all.

    Wish you all to be best citizens and ambassadors of peace, prosperity and happiness!!

    I directly got the Approval notice e-mail on the 4th - I also got the approval notice this week - I-797C -i.e Monday - but no cards as yet ?:confused:

    I did not get welcome notice nor did I get the CPO mail.


    Black And White Shih Tzu. a lack and white shih tzu
  • a lack and white shih tzu

  • snathan
    05-01 04:14 PM
    yes, I want GC for my wife. 6 months to a year addtional wait is ok. Provided I get cleared soon.

    Come on, your comment "limbo for five years" without basis. The FB2 cat is not very far behind. Only 6 months - 1 year behind in most cases. check VB.

    Stop using words anti etc. I am just like you frustrated like hell.

    My primary point is EB dependents must be out of EB quota.
    There is no legal basis for them to be in EB quota. period.

    If you are USC and then you are talking abou the FB2. Not for the GC holder. So will have to wait for years.

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  • prinive
    07-09 06:28 PM



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  • hebron
    07-21 12:30 PM
    Anyone interested in email template I used to send...?pls let me know.

    Yes, Please share the template.

    tattoo lack and white Shih Tzu Black And White Shih Tzu. lack and white shih tzu
  • lack and white shih tzu

  • GotGC??
    06-15 05:51 PM
    Folks, when you send/ask about details, it'd help if you could post your details like this (format borrowed from another post):

    Here are the details:
    Mailed to NSC on May 31st.
    Received at NSC on June 1st.
    Transferred to TSC (I-140 was Approved from TSC)
    Receipt Date - June 01
    Notice date - June 08

    My 485 was filed with NSC on June 1st. It reached NSC on June 4th. We haven't received any receipts so far. I think NSC is still working on June 1st cases. Maybe I need to wait for one more week atleast


    pictures The Shih Tzu in its Black And White Shih Tzu. For Stud Black amp; White Shih
  • For Stud Black amp; White Shih

  • makemygc
    08-02 10:00 AM

    Just checking if anyone in this thread got his/her check encashed this morning.

    dresses SHIH TZU FEMALE BLACK AND Black And White Shih Tzu. Black and White Shih Tzu
  • Black and White Shih Tzu

  • ilwaiting
    05-04 04:38 PM
    No pun intended here. But I was a fresher too at some point of time in my life!!!. Didn't mean to offended anyone. Anyway, I think this is a pointless discussion. Congress is going to do what they want to do. I just wanted to putforth my thoughts in my previous message.

    Also, I would think I would benefit from any law they pass pertaining to EB.

    I just dont understand the logic that If these "kids" get off the queue how will I get it. If the kids get out in a year i may have to wait another 2+ years to get a GC. I really dont see how having US degree in their hands helps. Let me take my example I was hired 3 years after college directly from my country from an multi-billion dollar market cap company from here. I quit that in 3 years and joined some other company that is a different thing.
    And as far as studying here that is your problem if you want to spend money and study. As far as being helpful to US I have paid a lot more in terms of Taxes and other things than someone who has 3 years and mostly studied here on assitantships. And also being a hiring manager for the company have hired may US citizens as well.
    Im not trying to create a division here. All I'm trying to say is that everyone needs to be helped not just only with Masters degrees.


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  • 485Mbe4001
    03-28 11:31 AM
    :D yes. I want to predict what I will do (or what i want to do) to USCIS, but i will be banned.;)

    Yep, I want to predict what USCIS may do,,, not what I want USCIS to do :)

    girlfriend lack and white shih tzu Black And White Shih Tzu. MALE BLACK AND WHITE SHIH TZU!

  • jungalee43
    11-17 03:24 PM
    Done. It correctly showed the representitive and the senators. But I am not sure it went. Particularly the screen of advacacy to send mail to 6 frineds kept on coming up. If I don't receive confirmations to my account, I will send once again. Or I will call them also.

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  • Cartoon Shih Tzu (lack amp;amp;

  • unitednations
    03-08 03:17 PM
    I agree that legislators are very aware of the difference between the H1b issue and the green card issue. Yesterday on CNBC, Larry Kudlow interviewed Sen. Grassley from Iowa on this topic. When Larry was asking about these workers contributing to society, buying homes, starting companies etc, Sen. Grassley told him he was mixing up two separate issues. Basically he only wanted to talk about the H1b issue.
    The sad truth is these guys(like Sen. Grassley) are anti immigrant period(they give you all the blabber about I am 3 generations separated from immigrants etc. but that is quite simply them satisfying their conscience/the public conscience on this issue, I always wish the interviewer is an American indeginous Indian), and instead of saying so openly, they combine the issues when convenient and separate them out when not so. I agree with you that it is not because they are not aware. Right now their focus is on stomping out fraud, he mentioned cases of people coming on H1b and running laundromats, or working in different locations to what they are certified(ouch). The new quota that opens up on Apr. 1 will indeed be a watershed. I am expecting really restrictive and nasty legislation in time to greet this. I truly hope for very few applications, so the Hon. Sen. understands that this is a demand driven issue for the most part and fraud where it exists can be addressed but not with blanket legislation which effects can be unintended.
    Nonetheless this issue of Country caps has become so draconian that if indeed the US changes its policy and institutes country caps on H1bs as your posting suggests they might in the end, then we will have things go in a certain direction.......protectionist, and there will doubtless be backlash. As it stands the current insensible policy is such that people come on H1b, settle into a job, have their US citizen kids, accumulate enough social security credits, savings etc and then facing an inordinate wait, perhaps even have to leave, what do you think the result is going to be? Well, the return to India where US employers given their US experience/education are more comfortable hiring them hence more outsourcing, then their US citizen Kids return for Gov't aid/loans to college, then they sponsor their parents to come in and receive social security and medicare etc. while their working contributions and taxes would have accrued to another country. Really? Does that sound like good policy?
    If the US chooses to Cap Indian H1bs fine, let it be, however continuing such policy only leads to and effectual ban on EB green cards for Indians.

    Very well written. I can tell you through my observations of living in this society for 35 years:

    1) People leaving because of long wait is a losing argument. Available information doesn't back it up. We have had severe retrogression since 2005 (h-1b quota cases have finished in matter of days)

    2)USA is destination of choice. 9 million people file through greencard lottery for 50,000 slots and the main populated countries aren't even eligible to file (ie., India, China, Pakistan, Canada, etc.)

    3) Call it what it is: Employment base immigration is least impacted. It is the only class of immigrants who are allowed to work/live in USA while they wait for greencard. Just about every other class has to wait outside until their number is called. This is number one impediment to EB grievances.

    4) Stating that one is paying taxes, etc., is also losing argument. You are comparing yourself to the people who are here unlawful. Paying taxes isn't some virtue, it is the law.

    5) Country quotas is fundamental to US Immigration. Getting rid of it for one class; ie employment base without looking at the whole thing is waste of time (ie., lottery, family base, etc.).

    Now I don't want to get people upset but let's look at some things that have happened since 2005:

    There was considerable debate on of how the country quotas work and spillover of visas. Depending on how you read the law you would keep coming up with different conclusions. One way was to look at it as hard cap of 7% across all 140,000 visas that is 10,000 or so and it didn't matter about eb1,eb2, eb3. Any unused visas from ROW in EB1 would not go to india but rather flow down to eb2 row and then eb3 row. That s unused would go vertical instead of horizontal.

    In uscis fiscal year 2004 eb3 went unavailable in summer of 2005. Statistics showed that India went well over their 7% limit.

    In USCIS fiscal year 2005 we had severe retrogression for India. Visa bulletin states that spillover will be vertical instead of horizontal. Statistics showed that India only received 10,500 visas

    Now, fiscal year 2006 . We have slow movement in visa dates; it appears that they are going vertical with spillover. However, in July 2007 they make it current for everyone and India goes over the 7% limit.

    Fiscal year 2007 it appears from visa bulletin that they are going to go horizontal instead of vertical. No statistics yet of how much went to India.

    Therefore; department of state has changed policy, interpretation without law change. Talk to many lawyers and they will tell you that spillover is supposed to happen vertical instead of horizontal. indian nationals have been benefitted greatly by department of state changing it on their whim. You don't see many people from ROW on these boards bellyaching about this; or contacting senators, or threatening lawsuits do you?

    This is something to think about? As people keep highlighting this issue and if they continually point it out to lawmakers and someone from ROW gets the birght idea to challenge department of state then it will make it worse for India. I don't foresee any change whatsoever in country quota limits; mainly because it is fundamental to immigration and fundamental things don't change very easily.

    06-26 02:56 PM

    see page 5

    My employer says EVL is not required for 485 filing. How do I make him understand that it is required? Any links from USCIS website or any authentic info will be helpful. I searched and couldn't find it!! TIA

    07-09 03:17 PM
    Oh yeah. All big time consulting companies must lay off foreign workers then, myself included. My perm was filed as IT programmer, IT consultants job code. So am I not a full time employee of consulting company? Is USCIS fool to approve my I140? Not once but twice!

    Two things
    1. Consultant can be part of job title and/or duties. Key thing is that job must be permanent and full-time.
    2. PERM can only be filed for job that are permanent and full time.


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