Wednesday, June 29, 2011

ms office 365 beta

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  • From the Hello Office 365 [Oct

  • eb3_nepa
    07-05 01:39 PM
    Send a DEAD Fish to the media with the story titled "Something Smells FISHY at the USCIS"

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  • Instead, Office 365 allows

  • apahilaj
    11-25 08:20 AM

    Yesterday I got the response for my SR opened on 10/16 for still not receiving FP notice yet. The letter says that the processing on my case has been delayed since the background check on my application is still open. Please contact after 6 months if you still haven't heard back from us. My assumptions are:

    1. Since they did not mention any where in the letter about biometrics, they are talking about my 485 petition and not my finger printing notice. Guess they misunderstood why I opened the SR with them. Does that make sense?

    2.Is it possible that I haven't received FP notice since my background check is still in progress? I thought that these were two independent process...

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!


    ms office 365 beta. Microsoft Office 365 enters
  • Microsoft Office 365 enters

  • marty
    05-30 12:58 PM

    I am little pessimistic about landing as it might be a risk as you are already on AP. I read some people went on AP and come back no question asked. If you would've valid H1B visa, it might be easier. I had valid H1B approval and I use AVR to enter. If I had used AP to go back home, I would've abandoned the canadian PR. Its your choice.

    All the best.

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  • pd052009
    11-17 03:28 PM
    Sent to Sen. and Rep. of NC.


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  • GCBy3000
    05-23 11:50 AM
    Sent to all the senators listed and two from my state.

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  • Office 365 brings many

  • walking_dude
    10-08 02:42 PM
    Have you been hit on the head by a hammer? I see a future Ron Hira in you.

    GC was, is and will be a game of Inky-Pinky-Ponky with or without retrogression. There's no way it can be made 100% FIFO without installing cameras to monitor every IO adjudicating the case.

    ..... I do not support the notion of ending retrogression. Given that there are only a finite number of visa quotas, ending retrogression will make the GC a game of Inky-Pinky-Ponky.....


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  • Microsoft Office Division

  • obviously
    04-24 10:53 AM
    Folks, it is time for the H1B community to grow up. Business is business. I am not a blood sucking deshi firm, or a silent partner. On the contrary, I happen to be a trained mediator, published author on conflict management and professional in strategy/organizations. My view is pretty simple: mathematical 'tit for tat' doesnt take you far. Build, nourish and manage relationships. Money and math are secondary. Its time to grow up.

    MR. Obviously

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  • tonyHK12
    02-09 06:25 PM
    thanks gujju, srinivas_o for your contributions and continued support. It is nice to see EB3 guys being proactive. Giving up or doing nothing is not an option. This is the best chance we have until 2013.
    There are 100,000+ in the EB3 queue, and nearly 30,000 in the EB2 queue.

    Amount raised = $1700.00
    Contributions needed = $48,300.00


    ms office 365 beta. MS Office 365 Public Beta
  • MS Office 365 Public Beta

  • shortchanged
    08-08 10:20 PM
    Has anyone with approval from 08/01 received welcome letter or card? My husband's I485 was approved on 08/04 but no letter or card yet. Also, mine and my son's cases are still pending, opened SR and will take infopass next week.
    I, wife and son got cards today 8/8/8 in USPS.

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  • Microsoft Office 365 is a

  • snthampi
    02-03 11:27 AM

    Good Luck trying to explain reservation system to the USCIS to implement your plan! How many years would we have to wait - for the USCIS to learn the system and execute it :D
    Kidding too!

    Good one! You are right. It might take them 10 years to understand the system and then 10 years to implement it. By then many of us will be retired.


    ms office 365 beta. Office 365 Reaches Public Beta
  • Office 365 Reaches Public Beta

  • EndlessWait
    10-08 03:01 PM
    Firstly, no one can shut down thoughts. They are inside your head. What I am saying is that match your thoughts with your actions, not just expression of thoughts. If you want to express your ideas and thoughts, do it in a way that its heard by people that matter. Your ideas and thoughts heard by other people like you is meaningless. If you can match ACTIONS to propogate your thoughts, by hauling your ass to Washington DC, spending some $$ out of pocket on travel to DC and meeting with a few of the 535 offices, then it matters. Otherwise your idea is not worth 2 cents sitting on forums read by people who are not legislators.

    Secondly, YOU THINK that asking USCIS to follow the rules is easier than changing rules (thru legislation). That's because , you and many others like you, think of Government function as if its an IT project. Occupational hazard. That is not how the Government works. The reason they dont follow the rules is because they (1) dont care and (2) are not accountable. USCIS and its non-FIFO procedures, FBI namecheck delays, backlogs in receipting and adjudication of 140 (Atlanta PERM) etc is something that congress cannot fix. USCIS, FBI report to DHS and DOJ respectively and they in turn, report to the White House. Congress can rarely make them work better and make them answer for mistakes, as congress can only do "Oversight" hearings on them. Haul an agency or department head in front of a committee and ask questions (pre submitted). And ask them questions. Make some show on CSPAN. At the end of the day, if Administration tell congress - "GET LOST, mind your own business, this is the best we can do and we are doing it", then congress cannot do anything. Other than impeaching someone. No one is going to impeach Mike Chertoff because one of his agencies (USCIS) is not doing FIFO on something called 485 (which no one in DC knows what it is).

    Congressional input rarely works. Example: Intervention of Congress during July bulletin. You know why? Because Congress HAD TO DO IT because of the uproar. I dont see any uproar and your issues like "there is no FIFO", "My PERM is stuck in Atlant for 6 months", or "I am stuck in namecheck for 4 years".

    These things need lobbying the Administration. Lobbying the administration is MUCH MORE DIFFICULT and EXPENSIVE than lobbying congress. Why? Because each office of Congress has a boss that faces elections very often. Every 2 years in House and every 6 years in the Senate. Plus they have 535 offices (435 in House, 100 in senate). That means easier access. On the other hand, there is only one office heading USCIS, office of Emelio Gonzalez, and only one Michael Chertoff and only one DOJ and its FBI. So the access of more difficult and lobbying is more expensive.

    When it comes to administration, you have limited leverage. Other than 2 people in the entire administration, no one is getting job by elections. The only 2 positions in this branch of Government that are elected and directly accountable to people are President and Vice President. Mike Chertoff of DHS or Emelio Gonzalez of USCIS wont lose next election coz those are on appointed positions not elected positions. Which also means that they dont have to worry about making people angry.

    So you see, ASKING for good things like FIFO and Faster namecheck is great in theory. But please understand, from a civic lession viewpoint, the 3 branches of government viewpoint and then make suggestions.

    Is Immigration Voice an organization that can raise 100,000 a month each month? NO. Not right now. Right now, people are busy checking their mailboxes for EAD cards. Out of 23,000 registered members, if each contribute $5 a month (equivalent to a burger, fries and coke), it is 100,000 a month. But it wont happen.

    So until that happens, feel free to express your thoughts and opinions and brilliant ideas and happy forum discussion. If that's what makes you all happy and content.

    Lets do that and also have $5 recurring contributions , if $20 is lot for people.

    hot for the Office 365 Beta, ms office 365 beta. A )Office 365 (Plan E3)
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  • royus77
    07-08 10:07 AM
    if there are more than 200 people then weekend works too, it will get coverage, but otherwise anything in DC must happen beginning of the week. Senators congressmen usually leave town Thursday night. So if the intent is to show tourists or if the intent is to show lawmakers is what we need to decide. If the numbers are high on a weekend, then automatically there will be press coverage. Somebody needs to prepare press statements and so on. It not about convenience more than needs, lets weigh in how many people can we get to participate first, firmly.

    I agree weekend we can get max participation . Also keep an eye on weather ( we dont want rain/t-stroms) and parking .

    Can we move the discussion to the thread created for the DC rally .


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  • java4yogi
    08-18 03:00 PM
    After reading lots of forums contributors, my 2 cents :

    a) I think the first thing is ban those people who advise separation of interests or make invidual groups in forums.

    As if things happening in india are not enough to divide people on all fronts, a new separation criteria is created here on EB1/EB2/EB3. A lot of us are very !!

    b) Initiative needs to be well spent and well thought. Its a forum for ideas and further on implementation. So, its for everyone. Taking initiative is not bad, go ahead, but walking tall on other peoples misery is not really very cool !!
    People are waiting for 10 years in line, come on..think, if this happens to all of us..

    c) Legal and illegal efforts. People accusing core of bank accounts withdrawls and all that nonsense, do not need any rebuttal.
    The harshness of things is creeping in people, but pls. some sincerity is also needed.

    I thank all of you who have worked hard for the benefit of all of us.

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  • What is Microsoft Office 365

  • atlfp
    05-05 10:36 PM
    He introduced the bill because he knows the problem very well. So we don't really need to flood him to push him (to thank him makes sense). The focus should be try to get other Senators onboard.

    keep pressure on Cronyn to put it on debate by contacting him by fone or fax


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  • Microsoft Office365

  • gc_lover
    07-02 08:52 AM
    Delivered to Lincoln, NE on July 02, 2007 at 7:55AM.
    Signed for by good old Robin Williams. This man would surely suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!

    Robin Williams? Are you sure it didn't go to Hollywood!

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  • Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac

  • jonty_11
    01-21 01:58 PM
    Not that anyone would do this purposefully...
    What if due to recession you loose your job and cannot find one for 1 year..then once you find one similar in duties and Title as ur LC, you start working (effectively after a long time since you lost ur original job/sponsor)...and were unemployed for 1 yr...or so..but at time of GC approval you have a similar job as your Orig LC...How much of a problem could that be or is it just your luck, that USCIS may or maynot ask for paystubs W2s etc for the last one year????


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  • mbawa2574
    05-09 10:55 AM
    How are you saying this? Under his watch large numbers of green cards were lost.
    GOP as well DNC are all chasing the mass votes of illegals and their USC relatives.
    At least Bush Administration was sympathetic to our cause. Everyone knows that this is a congressional fix but alteast Bush never came up with those anti-H1b policies to destabilize people in GC queue. Now these numbers have retrogressed in month of June when historically this has never happened. Obama is trying to woo people at the cost of Indian community.
    Everyone knows Durban & how he has lately tried to screw Indian community and Obama is a good friend of Durban. Now Democrats are in majority , why have they not fought for your cause ? There was an idiot congressman in IV Dc rally who was talking about making all illegals legal from IV stage. So what else u can expect ?

    Come out of Obama Dreams & fantasy world. Obama is not good for us. He is good for illegals and any immigrant who is aspiring a blue collar job. They don't want you & me taking white collar jobs. He is helping right-wing white supremacist agenda by aligning himself with people like Grassley & Durban.

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  • bpratap
    11-17 03:30 PM

    hairstyles Office 365 Reaches Public Beta ms office 365 beta. Microsoft Office 365 Beta
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  • anzerraja
    07-19 08:18 PM
    Thanks !

    Very much. We only need 640 guys like you to step forward and get this done.
    $101 from me

    08-25 04:34 PM
    No approvals today? Whats going on???

    There were a couple of approvals today from TSC by looking at the other site.But slowed down a lot. Maybe USCIS is taking a break this last week and preparing for the next month:)
    05-28 10:13 AM
    Hi all,
    If i takeup candian pr and discontinue my h1b, can i enter usa using the canadian pr for visit purposes if i ever wanted to ?
    I have a home here and may need to visit once in a while.

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